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We will tailor your event precisely to your needs and wishes, the main options are these:

Wine Tasting Challenge
This generally works for people for whom an element of competition is desirable, it is particularly good for teambuilding using a combination of teamwork and alcohol always manages to break down inhibitions! After a short introduction about the basics of how to taste wine, with a few clues dropped, everyone tastes six or so wines completely "blind" (bottles wrapped up). They then complete a simple answer sheet. At the end the wines are unveiled, the scores calculated and a winner - rarely the person who "knows most about wine" - emerges. Takes around two to three hours.

Themed Tutored Wine Tasting
Themes have included a Wine "Tour de France", Sparkling and Champagne, New World, local wines - either purely Provence, or along the coast from Catalonia to Liguria, including Languedoc, and Provence, to fine wines from Bordeaux or Burgundy, we can tailor a tasting to your exact requirements.

Contact the Riviera wine Academy here
Tel: +33(0)6 75 52 57 30 |
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